List of projects, which simulations and measuring data are available on this portal.
Global hybrid simulations of Mecury's interaction with the Solar wind.
Simulation | Description |
IMF-Sunward | Hybrid simulation of Mercury's interaction with the solar wind under purely Sunward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF): B=(-1,0,0). |
IMF-Southward-Sunward | Hybrid simulation of Mercury's interaction with the solar wind under southward-Sunward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF): B=(-0.94,0,-0.34). |
IMF-Southward-Planetward | Hybrid simulation of Mercury's interaction with the solar wind under southward-planetward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF): B=(0.94,0,-0.34). |
IMF-Planetward | Hybrid simulation of Mercury's interaction with the solar wind under purely planetward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF): B=(1,0,0). |
IMF-Northward-Sunward | Hybrid simulation of Mercury's interaction with the solar wind under northward-Sunward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF): B=(-0.94,0,0.34). |
IMF-Northward-Planetward | Hybrid simulation of Mercury's interaction with the solar wind under northward-planetward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF): B=(0.94,0,0.34). |
IMF-Equatorial-Sunward | Hybrid simulation of Mercury's interaction with the solar wind under equatorial-Sunward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF): B=(-0.71,0.71,0). |
IMF-Equatorial-Planetward | Hybrid simulation of Mercury's interaction with the solar wind under equatorial-planetward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF): B=(0.71,-0.71,0). |
Local hybrid simulations of gyro-resonance at a velocity shear layer in Mercury's magnetotail.
Simulation | Description |
merc2d_s0p5 | Local hybrid simulation of shear layers at the dusk and dawn flanks of Mercury's magnetotail, for a sodium ion density equal to half the magnetospheric proton density. |
Hybrid simulations of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability.
Simulation | Description |
Hybrid-KH1 | Hybrid simulation of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability under velocity shear dv=v_A where v_A is Alfven velocity. There are two velocity shears in the simulation. The shears are not equivalent because of direction of convective electric field. This configuration thus in fact models the flow of plasma around magnetosphere at dawn and dusk sides within one simulation. See paper by Henri et al., Phys. Plasmas 20, 102118 (2013), doi: 10.1063/1.4826214 for more information about the simulation setup and analysis of data. |
Numerical simulations of kinetic instabilities.
Simulation | Description |
Electron Whistler and Mirror Instabilities | Electron whistler and mirror instabilities by the electron perpendicular temperature anisotropy (Hellinger and Stverak, 2018). |
EOF2 | Oblique Resonant Electron Fire Hose Driven by the Electron Parallel Temperature Anisotropy (Hellinger et al. 2014). |
ExpFire1 | 2D expanding box hybrid simulation of fire hose instabilities (Hellinger et al., 2003, Hellinger and Travnicek, 2008). |
Global single-species hybrid simulations of Io's interaction with the plasma torus.
Simulation | Description |
REF | Hybrid simulation of Io's plasma interaction with high charge exchange rate and mass loading rate. |
LML | Hybrid simulation of Io's plasma interaction with lower mass loading rate. |
LCX | Hybrid simulation of Io's plasma interaction with lower charge exchange rate. |
Local hybrid simulations of quasi-parallel collisionless shocks.
Simulation | Description |
Dirac_MA8_doubleX_doubleY_20150518 | Simulation of a quasi-parallel shock with MA=8 and thetaBn=30. |
Numerical simulations of Quasi-perpendicular collisionless shocks.
Simulation | Description |
sh3 | 3D hybrid simulation of a perpendicular shock with M_A=3.1, beta_p=0.2. |
sh2_out | 2D hybrid simulation of a perpendicular shock with M_A=3.3, beta_p=0.2 with B_0 perpendicular to the simulation plane. |
sh2_in | 2D hybrid simulation of a perpendicular shock with M_A=3.3, beta_p=0.2 with in-plane upstream magnetic field. |
Numerical simulations of plasma turbulence.
Simulation | Description |
ExpTurb3D | 3D hybrid expanding box simulation of plasma turbulence and fire hose instabilities, see Hellinger et al. (ApJ, 2019). |
Yaglom4 | Standard 2D PIC hybrid simulation of plasma turbulence in the plane perpendicular to the ambient magnetic field. |
Yaglom2 | Standard 2D PIC hybrid simulation of plasma turbulence in the plane perpendicular to the ambient magnetic field. |
Yaglom16 | Standard 2D PIC hybrid simulation of plasma turbulence in the plane perpendicular to the ambient magnetic field (Hellinger et al., ApJL, 2018). |
ExpMir1 | 2D expanding box hybrid simulation of mirror instability in the turbulent plasma (Hellinger et al. 2017). |
hires | Standard 2D PIC hybrid simulation of plasma turbulence in the plane perpendicular to the ambient magnetic field, see Franci et al. (ApJL, 2015). |
ExpTurb1 | 2D expanding box hybrid simulation of plasma turbulence in the plane perpendicular to the ambient magnetic field, see Hellinger et al. (ApJL, 2015). |