IMF-Sunward Hybrid simulation of Mercury's interaction with the solar wind under purely Sunward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF): B=(-1,0,0). Available products: B, Bx, By, Bz, Density, E, Ex, Ey, Ez, Ppar, Pperp, U, Ux, Uy, Uz |
CoordinatesCoordinate system is centered in Mercury's center and unit of length is Mercury's radius. Axis X is parallel to solar wind flow direction; axis Z is parallel to Mercury's dipole axis; axis Y completes right-handed system. |
Initial conditionsBackground plasma conditions correspond to solar wind of proton number density 15cm^-3 flowing at speed 450km.s^-1, with magnitude of IMF B0=20nT. Magnetic field is purely Sunward, B=(-1,0,0)B0. Under these conditions the plasma flow is super-Alfvenic, v=(4v_A,0,0), here v_A is proton Alfven velocity in unperturbed solar wind. Proton kinetic to magnetic pressure ratio is beta_p=0.5. Radius of Mercury is scaled down approximately by a factor of 2, so that R_M=21d0 where d0 is proton intertial length in unperturbed solar wind. Mercury's magnetic moment is scaled correspondingly to the scaling of Mercury's radius in such way that the stand-off distance of magnetopause is conserved. The dipole field is shifted by 0.2R_M towards north with respect to Mercury's center. |
ParametersGrid size: Nx=940, Ny=Nz=400; Time step: dt=0.01 in units of inversed proton gyrofrequency. Cell size: dx=0.019, dy=dz=0.0476 in units of Mercury's radius |
Simulation presets
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