REF Hybrid simulation of Io's plasma interaction with high charge exchange rate and mass loading rate. Available products: Tper / Tpar, Betapar, Bx, By, Bz, Density, Ex, Ey, Ez, Ppar, Pperp, Ux, Uy, Uz |
CoordinatesCoordinate system IPhiOmega: X axis is parallel to the plasma flow, Y axis is in radial direction towards Jupiter, Z axis completes right-handed system. |
Initial conditionsBackground plasma conditions correspond to the flyby I0 of Galileo around Io, see project description for details. Simulation parameters, see project description for details: Total mass loading rate Q_ml = 10 x 10^27 s^-1; Surface neutral density n_atm = 5.1 x 10^8 cm^-3; Total charge exchange rate Q_cx = 42.3 x 10^27 s^-1. |
ParametersTime step: dt=0.01 in units of inversed ion gyrofrequency. Cell size: dx=dy=dz=0.05 in units of Io's radius |
Simulation presets
Products in simulation